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Our Policies


General:  Adult programs are open to persons over the age of 16 who are capable of performing the class work, meet prerequisite requirements, and can pay the tuition fees.


High School Students:  High School students 16 years or older may enroll in Adult & Continuing Education class at a 15% discount.  Students must provide written permission from a parent and/or guardian prior to registration and pay applicable book and other associated fees.


Senior Citizens:  Persons 65 year of age or older may attend Adult & Continuing Education class at a 15% discount and pay applicable book or other associated fees.


Out-of-County Residents:  Out-of-County residents are accepted at no additional fee.


Late Registration Fee:  An additional fee of $25 will be charged for those who register after the start date for each and all courses depending on availability.


Telephone/Online Registration:  Call 908-788-1119 x 2009 or online information at


Enrollment Deadline:  5 business days before the class start date.



We do not send enrollment confirmations.  Please mark your calendar with the start date of your class when you register. 



Each course has the required tuition fee listed with the class description.  All tuition and book fees must be paid in full before starting the class unless prior arrangements have been made and pre-approved by the Adult Education Bookkeeper.  Registration for classes may not be accepted until tuition and book fees are paid. 



Check course descriptions for required textbooks, materials or supplies that are to be paid by the student.



Students who successfully meet class requirements and have an attendance rate of 90% or better can request a Certificate of Completion.  The Adult & Continuing Education is an approved educational provider for a variety of professional development hours.  ALL FEES MUST BE PAID BEFORE A CERTIFICATE CAN BE ISSUED.



Students that need accommodations need to request these needs in writing to Christina Shockley, Adult Ed Coordinator, Hunterdon County Vocational School, Adult & Continuing Education, 8 Bartles Corner Road, Suite 201, Flemington, NJ  08822, at least 60 days prior to the start of the class. 



A minimum of 6 students is required to begin most classes.  Every attempt will be made to maintain the class schedule and locations as printed.  The Adult & Continuing Education however, reserves the right to make changes.  The class requirements are subject to change without notice at any time, at the discretion of the school.  The Adult & Continuing Education reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or combine classes when enrollment is insufficient or other scheduling problems exist.  All students will be scheduled into classes based on availability and discretion of the coordinator.  The school expects each student to read and comply with regulations set in the catalog and other school publications.  In the event a class is cancelled or changed, students will be notified by email. 



The Adult & Continuing Education reserves the right to cancel classes due to inclement weather or when other school holidays and/or functions take priority.  Anticipated closings that will affect class schedules will be announced at the first class.  A cancelled class due to inclement weather will be made up by adding another week of class for each cancellation. 


In the event of inclement weather, visit our website or call 908-788-1119 x 2009 and listen to the school closing recording.



Classes are offered at the following locations:

Bartles Campus, 8 Bartles Corner Road, Suite 201, Flemington, NJ

Central Campus, 10 Junction Road, Flemington, NJ



To withdraw from a class after registration, the student must email the Adult & Continuing Education office,  within 10 business days before the class start date to be able to receive a full refund.  Student refund requests will incur a $10 processing fee and may take 4 - 6 weeks to be processed.  There is a 100% refund for any class cancelled by the Adult & Continuing Education. 


Withdrawal Refund Schedule for classes fewer than 2 sessions

100% Refund:  Ten business days before start of class

75% Refund:  Day that class starts

No Refund:  After first session


Withdrawal Refund Schedule for classes fewer than 6 sessions

100% Refund:  Ten business days before start of class 

75% Refund:  Day that class starts

50% Refund:  After first session 

No Refund:  After second session


Withdrawal Refund Schedule for Certificate/License classes for 7 or more sessions

100%Refund:  Ten business days before start of class

75% Refund:  Day that class starts 

75% Refund:  After first session 

50% Refund:  After second session 

No Refund:  After third session



There is a NO SMOKING/Vaping on any Hunterdon County Vocational School District campus.  NJ State Board of Education prohibits the smoking of any substance and the use of tobacco products in school buildings and on school grounds.  Smoking/Vaping within public buildings is in violation of the State Law P.L. 1989 and may lead to charges being filed with the Clerk of Court by the Administration pursuant to NJSA 26:3D-20.

The HCVSD does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination in all of its programs and activities. The HCVSD does not tolerate HIB as required by State and Federal Law. The following persons, as indicated, can be contacted regarding any HIB incidents, or complaints of discrimination:  

Title IX Coordinator Affirmative Action Officer
Ashley Sanguiliano

(908) 284-1444 ext. 2203
Central Campus, 10 Junction Road
Flemington, NJ 08822


504 Coordinator
Amanda Kucowski 
(908) 788-1119 ext. 2011
Bartles Campus, 8 Bartles Corner Road, Suite 201
Flemington, NJ 08822

Anti-Bullying Specialists
Amanda Kucowski 
(908) 788-1119 ext. 2011 
Bartles Campus, ESC Campus
8 Bartles Corner Road, Suite 201
Flemington, NJ 08822


Courtney Spalter

(908) 284-1444 ext. 2102 

Central Campus

10 Junction Road

Flemington, NJ 08822

HIB Coordinator
Jennifer Calvelli 
(908) 284-1444 ext. 2110 
Central Campus, 10 Junction Road
Flemington, NJ 08822

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Statement

It is the policy of the Hunterdon County Vocational School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religions, sex, ancestry, national origin, social or economic status, or disability in the education programs or activities and employment policies as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and N.J.A.C. 6:4-1.1 Seq.  Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to our Affirmative Action Office at 908-284-1444 ext. 2204.

Hunterdon County Vocational School District's Adult & Continuing Education
8 Bartles Corner Road, 
Suite 201
Flemington, NJ  08822
(908) 788-1119

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